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IP Address (Internet Protocol Address)

IP (Internet Protocol) is a protocol that defines rules for addressing network devices. This is the protocol that describes what an IP address is and what it should look like. This protocol is the basis of the Internet.

The IP address version 4 (IPv4) consists of 4 octets and is 32 bits long, usually presented in decimal format. The decimal presentation of each octet is in the range 0 .. 255. An example of an IPv4 address is

An IP address is a unique number used by computers to communicate with each other on a local network or the Internet (similar to telephone numbers). Through these IP addresses, the devices are located on the network and can exchange information with each other.

In order for two applications to communicate with each other on the Internet, one must know the IP address of the other. This is a key feature of client-server communication on the Internet.

Unlike IPv4 addresses, which contain 32 bits of information, in the new version of the protocol, IPv6 addresses contain 128 bits of information, for example 2001: db8 :: 25fd: 23b1: 870: 3589.

The IP address is used when loading sites in the web browser. For each domain, an IP address can be assigned that corresponds to the web server where the site files are located.

The IP address is required for any application (web browser) that wants to connect to another application (web server) on the Internet, and DNS serves as a directory in which to store information about the domain and its corresponding IP address "domain.name = IP address ".

Changing the IP address of a domain can be done in its DNS zone. Depending on where it is located, the change of IP address can be done either through cPanel »DNS Zone Editor or through the DNS hosting client profile.

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