Let's Encrypt, an organization that helps people get free SSL / TLS certificates for websites, began revoking a large number of its certificates on January 28, 2022 because they were issued incorrectly.
The case is caused only by SSL certificates, which are issued using the verification method TLS-ALPN-01. According to Let’s Encrypt, all active SSL certificates issued before January 26, 2022. by the TLS-ALPN-01 method are invalid. Let's Encrypt estimates that less than 1% of active certificates are affected.
Affected certificate holders will be notified of the revocation by email (if provided) and will need to renew the certificate.
Are VPSExtra.com customers with cPanel affected by the problem?
No, this case does not apply to cPanel. The TLS-ALPN-01 validation method is not supported by Apache, nginx and cert-bot and therefore the problem does not affect cPanel users.