Every site, from the large internet portals to the small personal blogs needs hosting, aka the place where to store the server data on the web. The virtual hosting is the most economy version of hosting that allows storing of a big number of sites to a single web server. Lots of companies choose this option. However in often cases the capabilities of the virtual hosting are limited and cannot satisfy the needs of the web resource.
EuroHoster offers convenient and affordable VPS servers. If you are wondering what VPS stand for, we’ll be happy to 'decode' it for you: Virtual Private Server. This is a virtual server which is controlled by the client. It has a fixed configuration which can be changed if needed. At the same time it ensures full control and access for the client.
The client can install all operational systems, programs and tools for control on the server according to his/her preferences.
Main advantages of the VPS:
VPS or virtual hosting?
The answer to this question depends on the challenges that stand before the client. The routine issues and the tasks for creating of websites which don’t require capital resources don’t necessarily need the broad capabilities of the VPS. The virtual hosting will be the perfect solution.
The modern owners of websites more and more aim to make their products stand out from the rest to be more attractive, stylish and helpful. The virtual hosting is not suitable for this purpose. If you are planning to have a site that has a large amount of specialized information, video materials and other ‘heavy’ content it is more likely that the capabilities of the virtual hosting will not be enough. It is recommended to use the VPS.
This is the perfect choice for professional web developers who like to experiment with different software configurations to achieve the optimal results and want to make the most of all capabilities. With the virtual private server the client is given full control and access to all available resources to use them according to the situations and finding the best fast solutions to different problems.
EuroHoster offers to its VPS clients operational technical support, basic administration and additional connected services.
100% unique.