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A few tips for choosing the right password

Your hosting account, as well as all your other accounts and profiles on the Internet, contains important information that should not fall into the hands of ill-wishers.

Your hosting account gives access to the management of your sites, mailboxes, databases and more. This means that you must be careful when choosing a new password in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in case of unauthorized access by third parties as a result of guessing the password. Statistics show that despite the warnings, many users still use the most popular passwords or the same password for their different accounts. In this way we put our personal information at risk, and quite often very important data.
A few common mistakes you shouldn't make:

1. Do not use consecutive numbers or letters.

Example: 123456, abcdef, qwerty, etc.

2. Do not use your personal name, surname, telephone number, PIN, nickname, or any other information that is or could become publicly available, as a result of which the password will be picked up by intruders.

3. Do not use common combinations of letters / words / numbers.

Example: 13579, asdasd, 1q2w3e4r, qwertyuiop, admin, password, administrator, etc.

4. Do not use a password that matches your username or email.

5. Do not set an easy password, even for a test account or user (“test” password). Accessing your account or device by guessing this frequently used data poses additional risks.

6. Don't set a password on an anniversary you keep forgetting. As complicated as the password may be, you still need to be able to remember it.

7. Do not set the same password for two different services, such as the email address and the service in which you used it when registering.
Tips for securing your password:

1. When choosing a password, replace some of the letters in the selected word with the corresponding numbers.

Example: I = 1, L = 1, A = 4, T = 7, E = 3, g = 9, o = 0, etc. Under this scheme, for example, the word 'hosting' can be spelled 'Hos71n9'.

2. Use combinations of numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters and symbols "! @ # $% ^ & *". Long passwords (over 7 or 8 characters) give more security to your account.

3. Choose something that you will remember quickly and that only you know. For example:

favorite phrase from a book or song;
birthdays of the dog, the loved one and the children;
title of a bedtime story;
the nickname of your best friend.

4. Use simple phrases and passwords that are difficult to know.

For example: "This is the strongest password in the world - 95" "Not mine6 to know my password ha ha !!"

5. Use Password Manager. There are many different software to choose from. In most cases, they have a high enough level of security and encryption algorithms to protect your passwords. Their idea is to have a secure place from which you can see every single password you use in case you forget it.

6. Change your access passwords regularly.

7. Use a password generator. You will find one in the control panel of your hosting account cPanel »Settings» Password & Security.

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