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How to Display a New Page on My WordPress Website?

After you create and publish a WordPress page, it won’t automatically display on your website.

You can see if the page status is “Public” under Pages in the WordPress Dashboard Navigation menu. However, you will not be able to find it on the website’s front-end.

Created pages that will be on the menu

That is due to the fact that you first need to set where exactly you would like the new page to be displayed – whether it will be a menu item, a link in the sidebar or something else.

Most frequently pages in WordPress are used as items of the website’s main menu, e.g. Contacts, About Us, Services, etc.

There are several configuration options depending on the function you wish the page to perform on your website.

A Home Page

The page will be a Front (Home) page

A home page is the content that users first see when they visit your website.

The configuration settings are accessible from the Settings menu -> Reading. After your page is ready and published you need to select the “Static page” option and choose an option from the “Front page” drop-down menu.

A Menu Page

The page will be in a menu

The page can be added as a menu item through the WordPress Menus option.

First you need to create a menu, and then add the page by selecting it from the panel on the left.

Menus can have a hierarchical structure, i.e. a page could be easily added as a sub-menu. That function is often used for creating sub-menus, for example About Us could have sub-menus such as: Our Story, Our Goals, etc.

Bullet List Item

The page will be on a list

All published pages can be displayed as a list on the website. To use such a list, activate the Pages widget from Appearance -> Widgets.

The list can be sorted by name, order or an ID. You can exclude pages from the list by entering their IDs.

Each new page will be automatically included on the list.

A Post (News) Page

The page will show all posts (News)

A page might be used to display all posts you have created.

You can setup this option for your new page from Settings -> Reading by choosing “Posts page”.

This option could be used for posting / publishing news on the website, for example on a specially created for this purpose News page.

The page could be used for displaying images. To create a gallery, you can use the built-in feature on the media uploader screen.

To insert a gallery to a page, use the Add Media button and then click on Create Gallery.

You can add existing files from the Media Library, or you can upload new ones.

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