Asigurați-vă un server bare-metal de încredere, care nu arde nicio gaură în buzunar. Nu ne zgârim la calitate, în ciuda faptului că oferim serverele noastre la prețuri extrem de accesibile. Serverele noastre vă vor ajuta să scalați astfel încât să vă dezvoltați afacerea exact acolo unde doriți să fie.
1 până la 5 zile lucrătoare * * Din cauza cererii mari și a impactului pandemiei actuale asupra disponibilității hardware-ului serverului, termenele de livrare pot diferi și nu pot fi întotdeauna garantate.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a dedicated server?
Dedicated server is a server leasing solution where all the resources of a physical server (software and hardware) are allocated to a single user. You can install the operating system you need the server you are renting, you can manage your server with the desired hosting control panel.
What is the delivery time of the dedicated server?
Dedicated Server installation is delivered within the same day by setting hardware and software features that you prefer during ordering.
Do you make refunds?
Unfortunately, there is no reimbursement guarantee for server orders.
Do you provide technical support for server management?
All our servers are delivered as unmanaged and you need to provide your own management and control. However, we provide technical support on issues such as problems, errors or information.
Do you make security settings and optimizations?
All server orders are provided with necessary security configurations and optimization procedures before delivery, and your side is delivered in this way.