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How to Install WordPress Using Softaculous?

Installing WordPress on all Linux hosting accounts can be very easily done by using Softaculous. Softaculous is an additional cPanel module which is supported on all Linux hosting accounts.

To install WordPress you need to log into the cPanel with your username and password.

In the Softaculous menu, select Blogs -> WordPress and then click on the Install tab.

Software Setup

Software Setup
Software Setup
  1. Choose whether your website URL will start with or without www.
    (If you already have bought and installed a SSL certificate on the respective domain, it is recommendatory to use the https:// or https: //www. options.)
  2. Select the domain where WordPress shall be installed.
  3. Then choose an installation directory. You should leave this field blank, if you want to install WordPress in the root directory of the hosting account.
Site Main Settings
Site Main Settings

Site Settings

  1. Specify the website’s name.
  2. Fill in the description.
    Later you can edit the name and description from the admin panel.
  3. Make sure that the Enable Multisite (WPMU) option is not selected.
    If you enable this option, you will install another type of system which is suitable for creating a network of sites.
Admin Account Data
Admin Account Data

Admin Account

  1. Enter an admin username.
  2. Enter an admin password. You will need the password to access the WordPress admin panel (Dashboard).
  3. Enter the admin email. It is important that this email is valid because you will need to use it in case you forget your password.
Choose a language for the installation
Choose a language for the installation

Choose Language

Choose a language for the installation.

You can select your preferred language from the drop-down menu.

After WordPress is installed, you can change the language preferences from Settings -> General Settings – Site Language.

When the website language is changed, the admin panel language also changes.

Additional security plugin for admin panel protection
Additional security plugin for admin panel protection

Select Plugins

If you enable this option, WordPress gets an additional plugin which provides defense against malicious attempts with the username “admin”.

Advanced Options

Advanced WordPress settings in Softaculous
Advanced WordPress settings in Softaculous
  1. Database Name is used during the installation and it will be automatically generated. Leave the name unchanged or replace it with something domain-related.
  2. Table Prefix will also be automatically generated. You can leave it unchanged.
  3. Disable Update Notifications – Activate this option, if you do not want to receive email notifications for the available system updates.
  4. Auto Upgrade – Enable this option, if you want the system to be autoupgraded.
  5. Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins – Allows automatic upgrade of the installed plugins.
  6. Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes – Allows automatic upgrade of the installed themes.

Click the Install button to start the installation.

This may take a few minutes. Once the installation is finished, you will receive the following message: “Congratulations, the software was successfully installed“.


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