
StartseiteWissensdatenbankGastgeberHosting terminologyTraffic (amount of data)

Traffic (amount of data)

What is traffic?

Traffic is the amount of data transferred from / to the disk space provided to you on the server. Traffic is realized when - a user browses your site, receives and sends mail, uploads files to the server, etc.

All hosting plans and VPS servers, from VPSExtra.COM, have unlimited traffic.

Generate traffic from the hosting account

Traffic is automatically reported from the control panel of the hosting account. It is reported from the first to the last date of each calendar month, regardless of the date of account activation.

Traffic is generated from incoming / outgoing data over HTTP (web access), IMAP / POP3 (incoming e-mail), SMTP (outgoing e-mail) and FTP (uploading and downloading) content.

In the control panel cPanel »(Logs) Traffic you can see how much traffic was generated by each of the sites in the hosting account.


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