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How to Create Pages in WordPress?

Usually websites consist of pages such as HomeContact usAbout us, etc.

To create a new page, log in to the WordPress admin panel (Dashboard).

After accessing the administration, navigate to Pages -> Add New to begin writing a new page.

Title and URL

Create a new page in WordPress - Title and URL

The editing screen enables you to define a title and URL address where a given page will be accessed. Fill in the title in the upper field of the screen (for example: Home). Then a Permalink will be automatically generated right below the page title (Permalink: http://mysitename.com/Home).

To change the URL part (also referred to as “slug”), use the Edit button under the page title on the Edit screen of the particular page. With the OK button you will save the changes made, while with Cancel you can reject any change.

Adding Images, Video and Audio

Adding Images, Video and Audio

You can add media to your page as you click on the Add Media (1) button.

(2Add Media: here you can select a file to be inserted on your page. You might choose between the Media library (b) and the Upload Files (a) option.

(3Create Gallery enables you to create a gallery from multiple files to be displayed on your page. Here you have the same options – Media Library (b) or Upload Files (a).

(4Featured image – This image will be representative for your page. Also it will be seen at the top of the page or when the post is shared on social media.

(а) After clicking on the Upload Files tab, a window appears and you can choose a file from your computer by using the Select files button and upload it to the Media Library. Once the file has been uploaded, you can add a Title, Description, Size, destination URL, etc. Click on the Edit button to crop, rotate or resize the image so that it is differently displayed. After you customize the image you can add it to the page by clicking on the Insert into post button.

(b) Select from Media Library.

(5Insert from URL – Here you can insert an image from another website without having to download it locally. You can do this with Insert from URL option, as you fill in the image URL and Title. You can also add Description, Alignment, or Image URL.

Another way to embed content from external source is to insert the source URL to the page. You can embed content from YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, Kickstarter, or another WordPress site.

Page Content

Page Content

Pages need to have not only title and URL, but also content. (4).

To simplify content creation, WordPress provides you with a built-in Editor.

The Editor has a visual and text editing mode as they include a set of buttons enabling you to format content in numerous ways. This Visual editor (1) gives you the opportunity to see how the final arrangement of the text will look like right in the working area. Furthermore, by using the Text editor (2) you can change the source code of the page.

To see all of the buttons in the Visual editor, click on the Toolbar toggle (3) icon.

After you insert the text in the field (4) by using “Visual Editor”, the following buttons will be available:

Bold, Italics, Strikethrough BoldItalicsStrikethrough: to provide the text with the desired layout;
Bulleted list, Numbered list Bulleted list, Numbered list: lists separated by symbols (ul) or numbers (ol);
Blockquote, Horizontal line BlockquoteHorizontal line: a way of displaying quoted text; adds a horizontal line (hr);
Align left, Align center, Align right Align left, Align center, Align right: to align and distribute your content between margins;
Insert/edit link, Remove link Insert/edit linkRemove link: enable you to insert or remove hyperlinks to internal or external pages;
Insert a Read more tag, Toolbar toggle Insert a Read more tag, Toolbar toggle: enables you to divide your content; shows the second row of editing icons.
Distraction-free writing mode Distraction-free writing mode: allows you to write undisturbed by hiding the menus and enlarging the Editor window to fullscreen mode.


Page Attributes

After the content layout is finished, you need to decide whether it will be published as a parent page or a subpage. In order to do this, you should go to the Page attributes section.

To create a main page go to the Parent drop-down menu and select the (no parent) option. To create a subpage, select the parent page to which the Page will be subordinate.

It is also possible to define the exact display order of your pages by inserting the corresponding number of each page in the Order filed.

Preview, Pending review, Publishing

Preview, Pending review, Publishing

After creating the page, you can save it as a Draft as you go to the Publish section and select Status: ->Edit in order to perform subsequent corrections. For the completed articles you can use the Pending review status. This option allows the articles to be reviewed and published by an administrator. After you have set up the Page Status, click on the OK button.

The already approved articles can be published immediately or at a specific time. You can publish the article right away from the Publish section only per one click on the Publish button. Or you can specify the time when the article will be autopublished as you go to Publish immediately -> Edit.

You can create public, private or password protected pages. To make a page accessible only for you, go to the Publish section and select Visibility: Public -> Edit -> Private. If the article is intended only for a restricted group of users, you might limit the visibility as you require identification by a username and password. In this case, just select the Password protected option.

Note: You just published your page. Congrats! To make it visible on your website, go to the Menus section. To make this page displayed as a Front page on the website, you need to access Settings -> Reading, and select the Static Page option, then select the page from the drop-down menu.
Note: If you want all of your pages to be displayed as a list on the website, access the Appearance -> Widgets and enable the Page widget.

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