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What words should I use in a domain name?

What are keywords?

The right choice of keywords in the domain, in the titles of the pages - the text between the tags, in the meta tags and in the "body" of the pages, is one of the most important elements of optimizing a website so that it appears as possible top positions in search engine results.

For the right SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy it is necessary to determine the priority 2-4 keywords. These are the most important words that most accurately describe the design and content of the website. Their definition should be based on what keywords users would use when searching through search engines. For example, if it is a Bulgarian tourist site, such priority words can be Bulgaria, tourism and travel or BG, vacation, resorts and tourism, etc. These keywords, for example 2 of them, are recommended to enter the domain name of the site.

Domains with mutually negative words

Most of the "standard" phrases and expressions in English are used as domain names, but sometimes unusual expressions are more memorable than ordinary and banal ones. Such expressions are obtained, for example, by combining two extremely opposite, mutually negative words. Domains of this type are, for example: BlackLight.com/net/biz… (black light); DarkRadiance.com/net/biz… (dark glow); HotIce.com/net/biz… (hot ice); ColdHeat.com/net/biz… (cold heat); IceFlame.com/net/biz… (ice flame); DryWet.com/net/biz… (Dry Wet).

Domains with rhyme

Short, tight domains that contain rhyming words are also very popular and used - they have a characteristic "melody" of their own, which makes them easier to remember. An example in this regard is the domain www.HotOrNot.com - the name of one of the most visited pages on the web, where everyone can upload their photo and be appreciated by site visitors.

At https://rhymezone.com there is a site where you can enter your main keyword and find all the words that rhyme with it. For example, a domain of a car website could be CarsOfStars.com/net/biz, a domain of a travel site could be TripHip.com/net/biz, a domain of a show website - GoToShow.com/net/biz…, domain for jokes and fun - TonsOfFuns.com/net/biz… etc.

Domains with "overlapping" words

Some domains are made up of two words, with the last few letters of the first word being the same as the first few letters of the second word. In this way, the words can "overlap" and the domain can be a few characters shorter. An example in this regard is the domain www.traVELocity.com - the name of one of the major tourist portals, which is composed of the words travel (travel, passenger, travel) and velocity (speed, speed), in this case "vel" is both the end of the first and the beginning of the second word.

Use expressions that have gained worldwide popularity

Expressions and phrases are often used for domains, which for some reason have become widespread and are known in almost every corner of the globe. A typical example in this regard is the domain www.AliBaba.com - this address is one of the largest Asian Business-to-Busines portals. Everyone or almost everyone has heard the tale of Ali Baba and the 40 bandits - it has been translated into many languages ​​and is very popular around the world. As a result, the name of the main character - Ali Baba - is known to most people in the world. Once seen, such a domain is harder to forget, although in this case the name does not correspond directly to the theme of the site.

For example, if you have decided to make a football site and all relevant domains containing the word football are occupied, it is a good idea to check if the domain TheNameOfTheGame.com/net/biz… is not free, as the expression of the popular song is widely known throughout world.

In general, the idea is that once unambiguous domains are already occupied, to find some very popular in the world expression from a book, movie, song, etc., to be registered in the form of a domain name.

Use of Latin expressions

The most widely used language on the web is English, so it is advisable to register domains containing English words or phrases. But there are also a large number of Latin phrases that are widespread and used all over the world - for example "in vino veritas" (in wine is the truth), "veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I won) (cogito, ergo sum ”(I think, therefore I exist), etc. So a good alternative is to register as a domain of some suitable for the content of the site Latin motto, phrase or proverb, and for this purpose you should refer to a dictionary or site with translated Latin phrases.

In the case of the above examples, the domain InVinoVeritas.com/net/biz… could be the name of a website of producers of alcoholic beverages, a wine cellar, a pub, etc. CogitoErgoSum.com/net/biz… could be the name of a site with a scientific or philosophical focus, VeniVidiVici.com/net/biz… - a sports directory, etc.

Using TLD as a continuation of an expression

The main top-level domains (TLDs) are .com, .net, .org, .biz and .info. Apart from them, SuperHosting.bg also offers the domain of the European Union - .EU. There is a certain type of domain names, which represent an expression ending in one of the words whose abbreviations are the top-level domains. In this case, the top-level domain is used as part of the expression itself, as its completion. For example, "All the Business" expressions may appear as domains not only as AllTheBusiness.com/net/biz… and AllTheBiz.com/net/biz .. but also as AllThe.business. Such alternative domains can be created for all expressions that end in the words "commercial" or "communications" (com), "network" (net), "organization" (org), "business" (biz, business), " information "(info) and" Europe "or" European "(eu). Such domains can be, for example, BeOnThe.net, LinksTo.info, AddYour.biz, GoNowTo.eu, etc.

Use of idioms

Idioms are specific expressions that exist only in one language and cannot be translated literally into another language, but only in meaning. For example, idiomatic Bulgarian expressions are "Five Petko do not wait", "Hungry bear does not dance" and others, which if literally translated word for word into English, German and others. languages will lose the meaning they have in Bulgarian.

It is advisable to study English idioms and the most typical English expressions when looking for an alternative domain, as a very good alternative to a web address is to find and register as a domain with some suitable English idiom.

For example, English idioms for a very well-dressed person are Dress to Kill and Dressed to Kill (literally translated as "dressed to kill"). Respectively, the domains DressToKill.com/net/biz…, DressedToKill.com/net/biz… Dress2Kill.com/net/biz… and Dressed2Kill.com/net/biz… would be a good option for any company dealing with with production and trade of clothes. Such a domain is also suitable for clothing design companies and is an excellent alternative to web addresses such as GreatDress.com/net/biz…, BestApparel.com/net/biz…, NiceClothes.com/net/biz… and others. From a certain point of view, the Dress (ed) -to-Kill version is even better than the "usual" clothing domains, as it has a joke and a joke, and such phrases are easier to remember; the expression is legitimate, so to speak, an idiom expression from the English language; in addition, it contains the key word in this case "dress", which is important if used by retailers, manufacturers and clothing designers.

Use of articulated words

Adjectives and nouns in both Bulgarian and English can be articulated, giving another option for choosing a domain name in case the non-articulated form is already in use.

For example, if the firma.com/net/biz domains are occupied, it is advisable to check if any of the firmata.com/net/biz… domains are free.

Membership in English is done with the particle The. For example, if the domain BeautifulHouse.com is occupied, it is a good option to check if the domain TheBeautifulHouse.com (the beautiful house) is not free. This doubles the chances of finding the right domain.

Using the plural

If a domain name is occupied in the variant with the word or words in the singular, it should be checked whether the variant is not free when the word is in the plural. In some cases, it makes more sense to use the plural of a word - as is the case with Shoes. The plural of the keyword or words provides another alternative. If you are not sure about the correct spelling of the words in English, always consult the dictionary.

"New" and reworked words and expressions

It is best if the domain is composed of one word, but almost all words from the English dictionary, and many from the Bulgarian one, are already registered, especially on the .com domain. If you really want your domain to be one-word, then you can just come up with a new word. There are many successful sites that are hosted under such domains. An example of such a site is www.wikipedia.org - a free encyclopedia that is completed by users themselves. Wiki means "fast" in Hawaiian, and "pedia" has been added to this word. end of word encyclopedia. On this principle, new words can be created for each area, for example, a site for records and extreme sports or cars could have a domain Extremopedia.com/net/biz…, etc.

A frequently used additive is -landia, for example weblandia, cyberlandia, etc.

Words can be reworked in all sorts of ways. Often the word is abbreviated and ended with -ma or -mo - on this principle words such as Ultima, Ultimo (from ultimate), Extrema, Extremo (from extreme), Informa (from information), etc. are created. These words can be combined with other reworked or dictionary words.

Another option is to add -um, -us or -is to the word so that it sounds like Latin (since many Latin words have such endings). For example, exotic can become exoticum or exoticus, travel - in travelis, etc.

Another commonly used ending is -ica - for example Balkanica, virtualica, etc.

You can also rework an entire popular phrase by "adjusting" it to your needs and design. For example, GloboSapiens.net used a redesigned version of Homo Sapiens for its domain.

The idea of ​​such domains is that by changing 2-3 letters in a word or phrase you can get a new, unique name that distinguishes your domain from others and, if desired and possible, could become your trademark. and an extremely popular website. The domain of the most famous and used search engine Google.com is of a similar type - its domain is a reworking of the word Googol, which is the English name for a number with 100 zeros after one (10 percent). At the time Google.com was launched (late 1996 - early 1997), the domain Googol.com was already registered.

Some of the most used abbreviations and acronyms

1st - First - First, First
2nd - Second - Second
2 - to - to, for, in, to
2day - Today
365 - Whole Year
3W - World Wild Web - Web, Internet
24-7 - 24 hours, 7 days - 24 hours, 7 days
24h - 24 hours - 24 hours
4 - For - For
ABC - Alphabet
Ad (s), Adv, Advert - Advertisement (s) - Advertisement (s)
Admin - Administrator - Administrator
Acad - Academic - Academic
AM - Ante Meridiem - Before lunch
BB - Bed & Breakfast - Bed and Breakfast
BG - Bulgaria (n) - Bulgaria, Bulgarian
B2B - Business to Business
Biz - Business - Biz
CC - Credit Card - Credit Card
Com (Comm) - Commercial - Commercial
Co (Coop) - Cooperation
Corp - Corporation - Corporation
DB - DataBase - Database
Dir - Directory - Directory, Directory
Doc (s) - Document (s) - Document (s)
Dev - Development
Dr - Doctor - Doctor
e (e-) - Electronic - Electronic
e-Biz (eBiz) - Electronic Business - Electronic Business
e-Com (eCom, eComm) - Electronic Commerce - Electronic Commerce
Edu - Education
e-Mail (eMail) - Electronic Mail - Electronic Mail
e-Zine (eZine) - Electronic Magazine - Electronic Magazine
e-Shop (eShop) - Electronic Shop - Electronic Shop
e-Store (eStore) - Electronic Store - Electronic Store (Warehouse)
e-Buy (eBuy) - Electronic Buy
Econ - Economy, Economics - Economics
EU - European Union, Europe
Euro - European - European (ska, sko)
FAQ (FAQs) - Frequently Asked Questions - Frequently Asked Questions
F2F - Face to Face - Face to Face
Fed - Federation - Federation
Glo - Globalization, Global - Глобализация, Глобален
Gov - Government - Government
Gym - Gymnastic - Gymnastics, Sports
h (hr) - hour - hour
HTML - HyperText Markup Language - HyperText Markup Language
HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol - HyperText Transfer Protocol
i (i-) - Internet - Internet, Internet
i-Net (iNet) - Internet - Internet
i-Biz (iBiz) - Internet Business - Internet Business
i-Com (iCom, iComm) - Internet Commerce - Internet Trade
i-Shop (iShop) - Internet Shop - Online Store
i-Store - (iStore) Internet Store - Online Store (Warehouse)
i-Buy - (iBuy) Internet Buy - Online Shopping
Id - Identify, Identiyi - Identity, Identify
Img - Image - Image, Image
Info - Information
Inc - Incorporation - Corporation, Unification
Ins - Insurance - Insurance
Int - Integration, Integrated - Comprehensive, Unity
Intel - Intelligence - Intelligence, Intelligence
Inv - Investment - Investment, Capital investment
KW - Key Words
Lab - Laboratory
Lib - Library - Library
Lit - Literature - Literature
Ltd. - Limited Trade - Ltd.
Loc - Location, Local, Locality - Destination, Local, Location
Max - Maximum - Maximum
Min - Minimum - Minimal
MLM - Multi Level Marketing - Multi Level (Pyramid) Marketing
Med - Medical - Medical
Mr - Mister - Mr
Mrs - Mistress - Mrs.
Mil - Military
MP3 - - Music File Format
Net - Network
N1 (No1) - Number 1 - Number 1
Nom - Nomination - Appointment, Definition, Choice
OKay (OK) - All Correct - Everything is OK, Good, Excellent
OL - OnLine - Online, Online
Opp (Op) - Opportunity - Favorable Opportunity
Org - Organization
Pcg (Pcgs) - Package (s) - Package (s)
Pgs - Pages
Per (Perf / Pers) - Perfect / Personal - Perfect / Personal
Pro (Prof) Professional Professional
Prog - Program / Programming - Program / Programming
Pic (s) - Picture (s) - Photo, Picture
Pop - Popular - Popular
Prom (Promo) - Promotion, Promote - Advertising, Promotion, Support
Pros - Prospectus / Prosperity - Prospectus, Catalog / Prosperity
Prov - Province / Provide - District, Province / Delivery, Supply
Psy - Psychology - Psychology
PM - Post Meridiem - Afternoon
PO - Post Office
Rev - Revenue - Revenue, Income
Reg - Register - Register, Save, Register
Sat - Satellite - Satellite
Sec - Secure, Security - Secure, Security
SOS - - Call / Help Signal
Sys - System (atic) - System (atic)
Soft - Software - Software, Software
Sub - Subject - Subject, Subject
TV - Television - Television
Tel (Phone) - Telephone
Trans - Transport (ation) - Transport
Tour - Tourism, Tourist - Tourism, Tourist
U - You - You, You
URL - Uniform Resource Locator - Web Address
Uni - University / Union, United - University / United, United
v (v-) - Virtual
v-Shop (vShop) - Virtual Shop - Virtual Shop
v-Store (vStore) - Virtual Store - Virtual Store (Warehouse)
v-Reality - (vReality) - Virtual Reality - Virtual Reality
VIP - Very Important Persons - VIP
Vac - Vacation - Vacation
YP - Yellow Pages
WWW - World Wild Web - Web, Internet
W3 - World Wild Web - Web, Internet
Web - World Wild Web - Web, Internet
WS - Web Site - Web Site
Wiz - Wizard - Wizard
XXX - Porn, Erotic, Sex - Porn, Erotic, Sex

X3M - Extreme - Extreme, Extreme
Zoo - Zoological - Zoological, For Animals

These are not all abbreviations in English, nor all those used on the Internet. But they are the most popular abbreviations in the Internet jargon and understandable to almost all Internet users around the world.

This list can be useful in finding and registering the most appropriate domain for a particular purpose by finding the right abbreviation and combining it with other abbreviations or words. Suppose you need to make a literary site or portal. In this case, the main keywords are "Literature" - Literature (Lit) and "Library" - Library (Lib). Domain options can be:




Of course, the whole main keywords Literary, Literature and Library can also be used, adding abbreviations and / or words to them.

Use dashes

In addition to Latin letters, domain names may also use numbers and the special hyphen (-). If your domain choice is made up of two or three words and the option is busy when those words are merged, check to see if there is a free option with a hyphen between the words.

Using numbers

In addition to letters and dashes, Arabic numerals can be used in domain names. A domain can also be made up of numbers only or with numbers with dashes in between.

In some domains, numbers are used to replace certain words or letters. For example, the use of the numbers 4 and 2 is very popular, and its pronunciation replaces the English words "for", "to", "to" and "too". . For example, two of the most common and used terms on the Internet are "4U" and "go2", which sound aloud to English "for you" and "go to / to". Many domains use all4U.com/net/biz…, Best4U.com/net/biz…, Go2Europe.com/net/biz…, etc. The convenience of this type of domain is that the name is shortened by several characters and is visually very short and concise. The downside is that when you have to tell someone your domain verbally, for example over the phone, you will need to further explain that "for" is written with the number 4, and "tu" is written with the number 2, and so on.

If you choose a domain of this type, it is advisable, if possible, to register the option without a number, ie. with "for" and "to" to prevent confusion among site visitors and "overflow" of visits to foreign sites.

When writing in Bulgarian with Latin letters, the number 4 is often used instead of the letter "h", and the number 6 - instead of the letter "sh". If you decide to register as a domain a Bulgarian word or phrase that contains these letters, one of the options is to replace them with their numerical correspondences.

Another very common number used in domains is 1. For example, if the domains VirtualStore.com/net/biz… and Virtual-Store.com/net/biz… are occupied, it is a good option to check if the domain 1VirtualStore.com/net is not free. / biz… or better yet - 1stVirtualStore.com/net/biz… The logical construction of many domain names allows them to start with "1st" (first, first), and when the domain starts with one this provides some advantage when adding at the address in web directories such as dir.yahoo.com, dmoz.org, etc. Most directories on the Internet arrange the indexed sites in alphabetical order, and if a domain starts with 1, it will always be displayed at the top of the page. This gives someone a better chance of noticing it and clicking on it, and from there - more traffic.

Of course, domains that start with other numbers or the first letters of the alphabet - A, B and C - also appear at the top of the directory pages. There are a lot of quality sites whose addresses start with 123…, 1a…, aaa…, etc.

In some cases, numbers are used as substitutes for several letters when writing words - for example, x3m (extreme), in4mation (information), etc.

The number 0 in domain names can be "problematic" - it is advisable to avoid substituting zero for the letter "o", as is sometimes done. The problem comes from the fact that when the letter "o" is written as a capital letter (O), it is difficult to distinguish from the number 0 (zero). If you register a domain of the type top1oo.com/net/biz… where "o" in the domain is represented as zero, by writing and as the main (top1OO), this will confuse potential visitors to the site.

Roman numerals can also be included in a domain by writing the letters i, v and x - for example XXICentury.com/net/biz…(21 century), etc.

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