O certificado SSL Let's Encrypt é fornecido MAHHALA kuwo wonke amaphakheji wethu wokubamba iwebhu.
Izipele ezinkulu? Ukugcinwa kwedatha okwengeziwe? Noma mhlawumbe iseva yemidiya? Noma ngabe uyidinga ini, siyaqiniseka ukuthi uzothola Iseva Yesitoreji enamandla ezinikele ezomaka wonke amabhokisi.
Isevisi ye-Virtual Server (VPS) ifanele amaphrojekthi aku-inthanethi adinga izinsiza ezengeziwe kanye nokuguquguquka okukhulu kokuphatha.
Amaseva asezingeni eliphezulu athembekile nasheshayo azoqinisekisa ukuzinza kwamaphrojekthi akho aku-inthanethi. Ifanele izitolo ezinkulu ze-inthanethi, izinhlelo ze-ERP ne-CRM, izixazululo ze-SaaS nokunye.
Ukusebenza okuphelele, izingxenyekazi zekhompuyutha ezigcwele, izixazululo zokuqashisa iseva kuso sonke isabelomali.
The most obvious reason to rent a VPS is basically using it for hosting a website. However, it must by surprising for someone, this use is not th...
One of the factors that may play an important role when choosing to switch to VPS hosting is the website page speed. Generally, a VPS provides a ...
Amaphakheji amaningi wokubamba atholakalayo namuhla anikeza amakhasimende inketho ye-HDD noma i-SSD hard drive. Abantu abaningi bakhetha i-HDD...
Shared hosting is great for small websites with moderate traffic, but as a starter hosting package, it’s never going to give you the same speed ...