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Is the company name best suited for the domain?

When choosing a domain name, when choosing it for a company, the most logical question is whether the domain should not be like the company name.

Suppose that the company of a shoe manufacturer or trader is Todorov OOD. For his site, he will probably decide to buy a domain like Todorov.com, TodorovOOD.com, TodorovLtd.com, Todoroff.com or something similar. This is really not a bad choice and it would be really good to place the website under a domain of this type - it identifies the company among other companies by its own name. If the company is well known locally and does not seek new markets, a domain similar to those listed is completely satisfactory. However, here are some domains that are suitable for every shoe manufacturer and retailer in the world:


Any user on the web who is interested in shoes will try to open one of the web pages located at the listed addresses. These domains are tight, short and very easy to remember - they immediately come to mind when you think about information and shoe shopping online. And as people who don't use the web already know, the web is a global market with billions of users around the world.

If a shoe company wants to grow its business, find new business partners and new customers, then some of the above addresses would be ideal. However, the listed domains have long been purchased. There are already over 25 million .com domains bought in the world alone. There is almost no "quality" domain in any field - art, economics, business, sports, hobbies, etc., which is not bought by a company or individual user.

Owning such a domain is worth it just because short, unambiguous domains are quoted very high on the Internet and big business buys such domains for several thousand to several million dollars.

Many experts are of the opinion that it is no longer possible to find a "quality" domain that corresponds to a business, but this is not the case. Many first-class domain names are still available or are being "released" right now, because in addition to buying a large number of domains every day, tens of thousands are being released on the Internet. These are domains whose owners have forgotten to renew them, pay for them for the next period, or have not paid for them for some other reason. And among them you can really find great names.

It is advisable to register names in English, as it is already an unofficial language of the network. Of course, if a company intends to limit its business to Bulgaria only, then you can easily register a name in Bulgarian with Latin letters. As the example was with a trader or shoe manufacturer, the following domains are also an option: obuvki.com/net/biz/info, skladzaobuvki.com/net/biz/info, obuven-magazin.com/net/biz/info, etc. .n.

Some marketers claim that many of the most successful Internet companies have built their success without their names being associated in any way with their business, and therefore the domain is not very important for the success of a company on the web. Indeed, there are such companies and typical examples in this regard are yahoo.com and amazon.com - Yahoo is the largest directory on the Internet, and Amazon is an online bookstore. Their names do not suggest what their activity is. It should not be forgotten, however, that Yahoo and Amazon have invested huge sums in the development of their sites. If a company has the financial means, then it is worth registering a domain that can become an established trademark through advertising and site development. However, if the company's finances are more limited, then it is better not to register a domain like Amazon.com for an e-bookstore, but to try to register a domain with the keywords Book Shop or Book Store - for example MyBookShop.com/net/biz, Book-e-Store.com/net/biz, OnlineBookShop.com/net/biz, TheBookShop.com/net/biz, VirtualBookStore.com/net/biz, etc. In this way, when communicating the domain and advertising it on the Internet, users and potential customers will immediately understand only from the name what to expect when they go to the page - the domain clearly and unambiguously shows what exactly is the business site.

The fact that the keywords Book, Shop or Store will be present in the domain name has another equally important meaning - search engines on the Internet will rank the site higher for the category / type of business, the more reasonable the title of the site, and this means - the more accurate and unambiguous for an activity are the keywords included in the domain. It should be borne in mind that even a very "quality" domain will not necessarily "launch" the site 

on the first page of search engine results, because they use a set of indicators by which they rank sites and the domain is just one of them.

For those who plan to advertise their activities on the web or start a new e-business, it is recommended if they want to register their company name as a domain, but be sure to look for and register at least one more domain that most closely matches their activity / business. It takes ingenuity and creativity to find the right combination of keywords.

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