The term hypertext consists of the Greek word (prefix), meaning "super-", "super-", "super-", "over-", and the word text (super-text, hyper-text).
Hypertext is plain text to which links to other texts have been added. These links are called hyperlinks, links or links and are a way to connect and access additional information.
Through hyperlinks, the user can browse the electronic text array, moving from one text to another, to another, etc.
The resulting network of related hypertext documents is the main component of the World Wide Web.
Plain text
A special program called a web browser is used to access the hypertext in this network, which is mainly found in web pages.
The most famous language in which hypertext is written (marked) is HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). When accessing a web page, the web browser reads its HTML code. According to the rules set in it, it adjusts the information on the user's screen.
At the beginning of the World Wide Web, hyperlinks pointed primarily to parts of the same document or other text that could be located on another server.
Hypertext documents now contain various links, not only to other text, but also to images, documents, files, audio and video content. And the hyperlinks themselves can be attached to various elements of the content, part of the text, word, sentence, image and more.
The idea of hypertext originated long before the advent of the World Wide Web (1990). See the development of hypertext over the years.
The concept of hypertext dates back to Venivar Bush's 1945 Memex system. This is a hypothetical mechanical information system of microfilms (integrated directly into a desk). An abridged version of the scientific article "As We Can Think", which describes the Memex system, was published in Live magazine in 1945, from p.112 to p.124
The terms hypertext and hypermedia were introduced by Ted Nelson in 1963. He also created the Xanadu project for a hypertext system in 1960.
Hypertext can be defined as the electronic state of plain text. Although we now find it in cyberspace, back in 1941. the printed prototype of the idea of hypertext (or endless text) was created. This is Jorge Luis Borges's book The Garden of the Branching Paths, which can be described as a hypertext novel. The book contains a collection of related short stories between which the reader can move. The development of the main theme in the work depends on the decisions of the reader.